My Portfolio

"Work hard, have fun, and make history."
- Jeff Bezos.

Welcome to my portfolio!

This is where you will find out about me, see some of my projects, and contact me!
Since you will see all that, I figured I'd take the time here to tell you about Base Camp Coding Academy!

How it got started!

Base camp is located in small town Water Valley, Mississippi! They began on only a thought, but with all the talking it finally happened! A group of higher up people in the software developing indrustry got together, in need of delevopers, to get high school seniors enrolled. They want to have them empolyeed with a good paying job at the end of the 1 year program!


All of us students in base camp had to go through several interviews and decisions from the board memebers had to be made in order for us to be accepted!


The class is very hands-on. If you have an issue with something you can ask your fellow class mates, google, or, of course, the instructors! Everyone is pretty close and very friendly. I personally think group projects are the best!